hi and thank you very much for the response.
i found now source.bz2 at
freshmeat.org, but i am not able to build this.
first i edited sonic-visualiser.pro file, commenting out the two lines
about portaudio stuff, but qmake does not recognize anything else:
nowhiskey@murija2:~/software/nove/sonic/sonic-visualiser$ qmake
sonic-visualiser.pro:86: Unknown test function: for
Project MESSAGE: WARNING: PortAudio audio playback support will not be
Project MESSAGE: WARNING: JACK audio playback support will not be included
Project MESSAGE: WARNING: No audio playback support is configured!
Project MESSAGE: WARNING: .ogg file import will not be included
Project MESSAGE: WARNING: .mp3 file import will not be included
Project ERROR: FFTW3 library required
on the machine there is all the jack/ogg/fftw/ stuff installed.
Chris Cannam wrote:
On Friday 28 Jul 2006 17:32, Dragan Noveski wrote:
how to start sonic with jack?
jacklaunch does not work.
Sonic Visualiser includes JACK support and uses it by default, falling
back to PortAudio (v18) if that fails.
If you're using the static binary downloaded from SourceForge, then it
has JACK statically linked and your problem is probably a JACK version
mismatch. In this case, you either need to build your own Sonic
Visualiser binary, or find a distribution package. (For future builds
I'll be experimenting with better ways to handle this.)