I cannot speak to Ubuntu. I've never run it. However I've run
Gentoo 64-bit for a few years now. All I can say is that while 64-bit
Linux works, and works well, there are a lot of real world limitations
in terms of accessing media from the web. While no where near as bad
as they used to be you will likely run into issues with Java and Flash
under 64-bit, and the decoders for things like Windows media file
types are almost always a bit more difficult than on our 32-bit
machines. Again, no where near as bad as they used to be, but not as
good as the 32-bit versions.
flash works fine under 64bit now. althoua stlil freezes opera like the 32bit ver has for
its ben _years_ since a codec didnt work for me out of the box on _Debian_ which is known
to not install anything with dubious patent stuff. in other words, whatever
divx/xcvid/x264 crap it has plays anbything ive run across.
also the nonsense with the staggered NvidiaATI rlease schedules usually meaning your
kenrle must be 0.0.2 behind the latest which means some other piece of new hardware on
your new machine doesnt work because it wasnt in that kernel, is why id never get a
NvidiaATI based notebook after enduring 3 years of atht hell.
compiz working out of the box on the latest linus release and linux-next on
montevina/x40500 was real nice...
sorrh, delete is sending ctrl-h bringing up emacs help. thus the typos