On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 12:28:25PM -0500, Jonathan E. Brickman wrote:
I was very surprised to see Jack2 working well set to
realtime +
soft mode, with a normal (non-rt) kernel, giving me 2.67 ms stated
latency without kernel crashes in Fedora 13. Anyone doing it this
way? Anyone see disadvantages? So far it's pretty gravy for me.
I've been using unpatched (for RT) kernels (2.6.32 and 2.6.33) for
some time on a number of audio systems, and they all work very well
with period sizes of 256 and 128 (didn't test any lower ones).
Seems like unpatched kernels are performing quite well these days.
The only problem I've had was with the 'nouveau' video module for
Nvidia cards - on two systems it made even a period size of 1024
unusable (and I had to replace it with the older nv) while on the
others there were no problems at all.
Je veux que la mort me trouve plantant mes choux, mais
nonchalant d’elle, et encore plus de mon jardin imparfait.
(Michel de Montaigne)