Es geschah am Samstag, 28. September 2002 00:39 als m schrieb:
hi all
just wondering what USB audio devices, if any, are compatible with
gnu/linux ?...
im thinking of using USB audio with my laptop... better quality and more
outputs etc....
I would only look for devices that are mentioned here:
I'm not sure if you can expect too much from USB audio devices. USB 1.x is
too slow and I often heard that USB causes timing problems. Personaly, I'm
considering to buy a Echo Layla 24 (as I already posted) - you can use it
with a PCI or PCMCIA card, has a high audio quality, low latency and you've
got a lot of in- and ouputs (balanced analog, S/PDIF, ADAT, Wordclock, MIDI).