Ah! This is exactly what I was looking for! and the command set to code
directly into ogg! woohoo! ;-)
Thanks, I'll add this stuff to my "nifty commands file" && give it
On Mon, 2003-12-15 at 02:32, Emiliano Grilli wrote:
domenica, 14 dicembre 2003 alle 20:49:37, roger ha
I would like to know if there's a tool that
will capture/record
streaming audio links.
This is how I do it (to listen and capture it at the same time):
# start jack
jackstart -d alsa -d default
# start alsaplayer to play the stream (a jazz radio, in this case)
alsaplayer -i text -o jack -s jazz
# start ecasound to record directly in ogg format
ecasound -i:jack_auto,jazz -o:jazz-radio.ogg
HTH ciao