Dear All,
We at the Princeton SoundLab have released our light-weight
(stupidly simple yet useful) real-time 3d waveform audio and
FFT waterfall visualization. GPL. Plug in a mic, and have some
fun, or run it on a file.
- real-time visualization of waveform + waterfall plot
- supports scaling
- supports rather ridiculous 3d rotation and transformation
- centroid, rms, rolloff plot
- mic input and file input
- full framerate graphics - need OpenGL/GLUT
There is now a mailing for the vis apps we are releasing.
This has served us well. It is great for teaching, and also for playing
around - even during live coding performances. For example, see
This is part of a suite of real-time visualization tools that will be
released soon.
We are of course open to comments and complaints.