Hi Lee,
First, try to provide a useful bug report. "The
latency is horrible"
is not much better than "it doesn't work".
you're right, sorry for that.
Is this with JACK? Running in realtime mode? What
settings? Which
clients? How bad is the latency?
I just did my first tests with aeolus, the organ synth.
It runs on top of JACK which I run in conjunction with qjackctl.
I have a vanilla kernel installed.
Additionally I have installed RT-LSM. The module is loaded and grants
any user access to it.
I now get much better results. I run JACK as
-R -P83 -p64 -dalsa -r48000 -p256 -n3 -D -Chw:2 -Phw:2
qjackctl tells me about 16msecs latency with these settings. No prob
playing aeolus, but I plan to pipe audio material (playing the guitar
and the bass) through my computer so less latency would be great.
I also have edited /etc/security/limits.conf as found on the web. It now
contains something like
@audio - rt_priority 95
@audio - nice -10
@audio - memlock 300000
but to be honest I have no clue which app read or use this.
I have also a program installed which reads as set_rtlimits and one
which reads as setpcaps, but to be honest, I do not know at all how
these relate to each other and how to use them.
This means that any wee small hint that gives me a starting point is
much appreciated.
Thanks & best regards