On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 03:12:29PM +0100, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:
On Wed, Feb 02, 2011 at 03:06:35PM -0500, S. Massy
All right,
Here's another installment in the never-ending questions series.
I have tracks sequenced in individual midi files meant to be rendered
using various softsynths/patches. The idea is to:
1. Send the midi data to the synth using pmidi or midish.
2. Record the output from the jack ports to disk.
3. Repeat 1 and 2 for each track.
4. Import the tracks and mix them, possibly recording live material on
top of it.
Couldn't ardour do all four steps?
Possibly, but Ardour is GUI based and not
easy to use, even through orca
Of these, step 2 is the tricky part. Recording
the output is easy enough
with ecasound or even jackrec, but the problem is that there is a gap of
silence between the time recording is started and the time the synth
starts playing, thus making syncing the tracks a very tedious job. Is
there a simple way of recording only when audio data is coming out of
the jack ports?
Yeah, the purpose of MTC/MMC is to solve this problem.
You could configure midish to be the MMC master and MTC slave, and use
a MTC/MMC capable audio recorder configured as MMC slave and MTC
master. You'd have to start the recorder first (it waits for the MMC
start event) and then start playback in midish (generates the MMC
start event), both will start synchronously and stay in sync. This
worked for me many times.
Unfortunately, I can't point you to a MTC and MMC capable recorder for
linux, sorry. Again, ardour seems MTC/MMC capable. There are also
jack-transport to mtc/mmc gateways, but I've never used them
The way to do it in the end was to use jackctlMMC to bridge between MMC
and jack-transport, then start ecasound in jack-transport slave mode.
Then just hitting "p" in rmidish does the trick.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
-- Alexandre