On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 10:26:55 -0400, Paul Winkler wrote:
On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 02:11:45PM +0100, tim hall
Last Tuesday 24 August 2004 20:10, Lee Revell was
> Additional submissions are welcome and in fact essential, since the
> above only covers one aspect of one widget's behavior.
Here's one that I suppose is non-controversial:
Meters and Data Plots
Vertical meters should be oriented such that upward movement represents
increase in the metered value and down represents decrease.
Heh, non-controversial you say ;)
One convention is that reduction meters got right to left (and presumably
top to bottom, though I dont think I've never seen a vertical one).
This is neccesary if the reduction measurement (attenuation etc.) is to
have the same scale as a normal measurment. c.f. JAMin's compressor gain
reduction meters:
somewhat old screenshot, gut you can see the right-to-left meters and the
bottom of each compressor section.
- Steve