Is it possible
to record voice etc. in Renoise, like in Ardour?
It's basically a record option in the sample editor, nothing fancy.
I record vocals directly into renoise this way. It works pretty well,
the only inconvenience it that I have to trigger the samples afterwards,
but that's not a big deal.
People more sane than me could record in ardour, since renoise syncs
perfectly (I tried it) with jack.
I tried that but Renoise and Ardour synced together maxed out my 'puter. So I
exported all my Renoise tracks, imported them into Ardour and finished the job 100% in
Ardour. I had a lot of vocal tracks already in Renoise so maybe I had a memory problem as
described earlier in this thread.
People more sane than me may have a completely different result ;)
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