On Tuesday 11 November 2008 23:59:04 Ken Restivo wrote:
On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 06:08:41PM +0100, Dominic
Sacré wrote:
On Saturday 08 November 2008 22:31:51 Nils Gey
Do you know any ways to receive midi events to
start programms,
execute shell-scripts or using other things you normaly do with your
computer-keyboard and shortcuts?
This is one of the things mididings (
was made for.
For example, the following Python script would listen on an ALSA MIDI
port, and run different shell commands in response to note-on events:
from mididings import *
Filter(NOTEON) >> KeySplit({
60: System('foo'),
61: System('bar'),
I haven't used Python in a while, but what does that ">>" syntax do?
binary shift right?
Well, yes and no... For integers it would do a binary shift, but in Python
operators can be overloaded for user-defined types. With mididings, A >> B
means "connect B to A".
In the example above, all incoming MIDI events first go through a filter
that removes anything except note-on events. The remaining events are then
split by note number, so that each key runs a different command.
The idea behind mididings is that you use Python to define how MIDI events
are processed by connecting different "units". But all Python code is
(usually) run at startup. Once event processing is started, this is done
completely in C++, mainly because of latency and realtime safety.