On Sat, 13 May 2023, Tweed wrote:
On Sat, 13 May 2023 18:15:57 -0400
Mac <macdroid53(a)gmail.com> wrote:
It's a nice piece of hardware. At one point I
had 3 and had them
setup with Ardour as 36 channels. I just don't do any recording or
live sound anymore. Happily retired.
Amazing setup! I'm excited for 24ch
wrapped into 1 device.
I don't know if the linux ui for it is still maintained (I think Fons
in the group did it...maybe it was just the FFADO devs).
In Ubuntu Studio 20.04
FFADO still works with mine. The ALSA stck work with it too, but where I
was able to run with jack/ffado at 16/2, the best I ever got with ALSA
256/2. to use FFADO the alsa FW modules need to be blacklisted. The list
of modules is:
blacklist snd-firewire-lib
blacklist snd-isight
blacklist snd-dice
blacklist snd-fireworks
blacklist snd-bebob
blacklist snd-oxfw
blacklist snd-firewire-digi00x
blacklist snd-firewire-tascam
blacklist snd-firewire-transceiver
blacklist snd-firewire-motu
blacklist snd-fireface
but probably only the -lib and the -fireworks are all you need.
They are a nice interface. You will want to use ffado-mixer to make sure
there are no inputs directly feeding outputs (mine has 1&2 straight
through) I have a script that runs at boot time that does it all:
# some things to make our audiofire behave right.
# set clock to internal:
ffado-test --quiet --node=0 SetClockSource 0
# mute input channels 1&2 to outputs 1&2
dbus-send --session --dest=org.ffado.Control --type=method_call \
--print-reply \
/org/ffado/Control/DeviceManager/0014860268b568f1/Mixer/MonitorMute \
org.ffado.Control.Element.MatrixMixer.setValue int32:0 int32:0 double:1
dbus-send --session --dest=org.ffado.Control --type=method_call \
--print-reply \
/org/ffado/Control/DeviceManager/0014860268b568f1/Mixer/MonitorMute \
org.ffado.Control.Element.MatrixMixer.setValue int32:1 int32:1 double:1
Len Ovens