Philippe Hezaine a écrit :
You'll be able to see that some velocities
doesn't correspond to the
Lilypond source.
Who is the culprit?
Is it me who pushes the Midi in an extreme way with 8 tracks on the same
Is it Lilypond which doesn't encode very well the CC7 on each track?
Is it Mididings which doesn't read very well the messages?
Don't be afraid, it isn't a huge issue at the present time.
Hi all,
It's my bad! Sometimes i must read the messages three times.
Dominic Sacré has given me the way of success.
Here is the way:
Open your lilypond's midi file in a sequencer.
Change each track to a different number of channel, eg. Track One =
channel One, Track Two = channel Two... etc...
Save it.
Run Mididings in a terminal.
Re-open the resultant file in your sequencer.
Change again the channels to 10.
Save it.
Et voilà!
The transformation is perfect. You exactly get what you have written in
Lilypond. Now we can dream all the accentuations we want to.
I'm so glad!
The first notebook is coming soon.
Have fun.
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