On Tue, 08 Jun 2010 11:37:23 +0200
Nicolas BERCHER <nbercher(a)yahoo.fr> wrote:
On 08.06.2010 11:21, David Santamauro wrote:
On Tue, 08 Jun 2010 10:57:13 +0200
Nicolas BERCHER<nbercher(a)yahoo.fr> wrote:
So, I checked what's going on:
$ aseqdump --list
Port Client name Port name
0:0 System Timer
0:1 System Announce
14:0 Midi Through Midi Through Port-0
20:0 SB Live! Value [CT4870] EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)
24:0 USB Keystation 88es USB Keystation 88es
MIDI 1 $ aseqdump -p 24:0
Waiting for data. Press Ctrl+C to end.
Source_ Event_________________ Ch _Data__
24:0 Control change 0 64 127
24:0 Note on 0 82 82
24:0 Note on 0 82 0
24:0 Control change 0 64 0
The above sequence dumped by aseqdump shows only one note event
(lines 2+3: press+release) but I heard a delayed note as mentioned
in my first mail.
Actually, there are two note events and both are NOTE ON, one with
velocity of 82 and the other 0. The velocity 0 should be
interpreted as NOTE OFF.
I had a similar problem and solved it by putting kmidimon between my
keyboard and sequencer.
Could it be that qsynth doesn't handle NOTE ON with
velocity of 0 as NOTE OFF? Although I imagine that translation
should be happening at a lower level... just a guess.
Yes it is, you're right, but it happens only for 4 notes among 88 I
can play!
If this putting kmidimon between my keyboard and qsynth can solve the
problem, I'd also like to understand why. Does it mean there exist
multiple midi standard to describe note on/off events?
Sorry, I re-read the initial post -- 4 notes, hrmmm. That points
to a hardware issue but aseqdump doesn't show additional events.
Although I haven't delved into the code, the translation of NOTE ON (0)
to NOTE OFF should be happening at a much lower level than user-space
software. There is one standard for midi note on/off and it is clear
that note on (0) must be interpreted as note off.
Have you tried playing it back through a different sound generator,
possibly external gear attached to your 20:0 port?
Just as a test, what is registered when you route your keyboard into
kmidimon and route kmidimon into qsynth (all defaults, simple piano
- does kmidimon show 1 note-on/note-off only
- does qsynth output correctly?