Am Montag, 19. November 2007 schrieb susemuse27(a)
I should have known this earlier: when starting my 2.6.24.rc2-rt1 with option
"acpi=off" the audio performance increases significantly and I could be happy
- but - the levelmeters in Ardour's Mixer are now acting strangely: They rise
quickly but the falloff rate is at lowest level and can't be adjusted.
I've tried with a different kernel, - it's the same. Of course
I can live with that, it doesn't prevent me from enjoying my musical activity,
but it takes some patience...
With acpi on action Ardour works fine.
Did anybody make similar experience and can give me a hint where to start my
Really? weird... I used to boot with acpi=off on my desktop box (don't have a
laptop) with JAD or 10.2/JAD kernel, I didn't ever see such a behaviour. 10.3
with jengelh's RT works very well for me, with acpi, last time I tried that one
with acpi=off it froze my box during boot, so I'd rather prefer to avoid trying
again... sorry, I know this isn't particularly helpful. If you really want me
to test it, contact me via PM or jacklab forum and I'll do it.
Asus Laptop AMD Athlon 64
openSuse 10.2-32Bit
USB-Lexicon Omega Studio
Ardour built with VST-support