On Sun, Apr 16, 2006 at 02:09:25AM +0200, Atte Andr? Jensen wrote:
Thorsten Wilms wrote:
Very nice! I don't think the lead is the least cheasy. Actually I think
it really, really cool.
Thank you. Well, I can understand both people who think it's kinda
cheesy and those who think it's cool. I'm confident I managed to give
it character, anyway ;)
Is all those om-patches running in realtimeat the same
time? If so which
computer do you have? If not, how do you work with something like this,
recording one track at the time in ardour, or?
I can only run 3 or 4 of the patches without horrible xrun artefacts
and very slow GUI reactions. To avoid audible xruns completely, I
ended up enabling only one patch for recording at a time.
Most of the percussion patches can be run simultaneously here, so
I have been able to work on them in context. For the rest, I compared
and tweaked the sounds in pairs, a process like adapting B to go
well with A, then C with B ... also relied on my imagination to some
degree ;)
I intended to record with MusE, keeping everything in one place. But
while I had no problems with that earlier, I now found most of my
patches to trigger some weird bug, resulting in crackling and even
worse things. Nothing of that comes up when recording with Timemachine,
so I know it's not Om or Jack (There's a bug report for this, of course).
So I connected Timemachine with the Om outputs to record from for each
single patch. Could have used Ardour, but didn't feel like creating
all the tracks again and hooking everything up. (Someone called this
a misuse of Timemachine. Well, I don't care about having 1 or more seconds
of audio recorded before hitting record. Making connections is best done
via Patchage, anyway. Timemachine offers meters and a big button, just
what I need).
The mixdown from Muse (after importing the audio files, adjusting levels,
FX) appeared quite loud and full already, but JAMin surprised me with
bringing it to the front even more :)