I've got just back on this list after a year of lurking and learning more
Linux. The audio software is developing amazingly, so I finally took the
plunge and ordered an RME Hammerfall DSP Digiface and a couple of Frontier
Tango24 A/D convertors, when I noticed a bargain at Turnkey in London (UK).
So I'll at last be entering a world of sound, to edit a few years worth of
DAT tapes, instead of sitting here in silence listening to my PC fans (well,
my CD player too!).
I'm running Debian on a few Pentium III 450MHz machines I've got here; I'd
been planning to get a dual Athlon system but decided to wait (forever? :)
until they are cool enough to run quietly. For the time being I just need
to edit stereo and 4-track recordings, so 450MHz should do.
I really welcome the advice you guys have poured into this list, and am
looking forward to joining in the banter, instead of sitting on the fence.
Malcolm Smith