On Sun, 1 Aug 2010, allcoms wrote:
Just wondering if anyone here has had any success or
controlling specimen (say the volume and pan sliders for example) via
MIDI cc as I've not been able to find any documentation on this aspect
of the app. What controller numbers control what? Is it possible to
set the controller numbers for different parameters without adjusting
the source and recompiling?
Have you tried the standard CC's?[1]
Otherwise: Use the source, Luke!
honest I'd prefer something more like specimen but
as an LV2 plugin.
Is anyone already working on such an app?
Composite[2] is similar to Specimen and has an LV2
sampler plugin (but no LV2 sampler GUI). It uses "drum
kits" that are identical to Hydrogen's. It's not as nice as
Specimen... but it is similar and LV2.