On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 19:52:52 -0500
R Dicaire <kritek(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi folks....anyone running lv2rack on a debian
I installed phat and pyphat from svn, built lv2, zynjacku/zyn, but
when I try to run lv2rack, I get:
Phat svn is not in a sane state. That's pretty much the long and the short of it.
It could be that the python bindings are just out of sync but several people were
working on some internal reorganisation of the C lib at a point just before
everyone sort of lost interest for one reason and another.
I'd recommend using a release tarball instead of svn. Failing that, you could
try an earlier svn revision from sometime before the axe work ensued.
The announcement for version 3 zynjacku and lv2rack says that PyPhat is
no longer required: