Hi Julien,
I'm following your progress since a while already and each new song you post
seems to be better than the previous (even if this one is a little older).
Very nice work. And enjoyable to listen to.
Keep on going,
Raphael ;)
On 08.08.2011 11:04, wrote Julien Claassen:
Hello everyone!
this should have been released months ago. But I thought I might write and
record the complete lyrics. Now it turns out, this makes no sense and so here it
is: (Sometimes) Less is more (than More) or Slim(TM), as I nicknamed it. :-)
You can as always go to the website as well:
Even though the piece had been in this state for some considerable amount of
time, it still took some time to write and record. In this case I once again
involved csound for some pseudo-3D work and sample construction. Feedback and
comments are welcome as ever.
Kind regards
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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