On Fri, May 23, 2003 at 09:32:39AM +0100, Steve Harris wrote:
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 06:30:57PM +0100, Daniel James
For a
recording studio application I
wanted zero noise.
I chose a Matrox G550 Dual DVI for this job, since I wanted really
good 2D. Does anyone actually use accelerated 3D in a music studio?
Not yet, but you have tro wonder how much CPU you can save by pushing some
of the rendering of those fancy UIs onto the card.
Theres also the potnetial of using high end graphics cards to run DSP
sofrtware, there quite good at FFTs aparently, something like 20x faster
than a good P4.
<question mode="dumb">
But how do you get the result back?
can graphics cards give data back to the cpu, or is it just a 1-way trip
to the monitor?
Paul Winkler
"Muppet Labs, where the future is made - today!"