-----Original Message-----
From: Clemens Ladisch [mailto:clemens@ladisch.de]
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 3:03 AM
To: Ivica Ico Bukvic
Cc: lau(a)lists.linuxaudio.org
Subject: Re: [LAU] UA-101
Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
> > Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
> > > FWIW, the soundcard is not detected at all by ALSA when in normal
> > > mode.
> >
> > It's still using 24 bits, and not marked as class-compliant.
> > According to the descriptors, playback should work.
> >
> > Please try adding the following entry anywhere in
> > linux/sound/usb/usbquirks.h:
> > ...
> Does this fix only recognition in normal mode or also the sync issue it
(not sure if
the sync issue is only in advanced mode or universal)?
According to the descriptors, the output endpoint is adaptive, i.e.,
playback should work correctly.
I don't know if what the descriptors say is true ...
Well, what I do know is that the card has in default (advanced?) mode
exhibited predictably periodic clicks during playback through both Jack and
ALSA. This has made me look for a solution in the first place. So, what I am
not sure I understood from your reply is whether the code you forwarded
addresses that as well or only recognition of the soundcard in normal mode
(or both)?
I'll let you know of the results as soon as I have this thing patched.
Please advise.