On 31 July 2007 at 18:43, Paul Davis <paul(a)linuxaudiosystems.com> wrote:
> > If
mplayer ca play it, this might work:
> > mplayer -ao pcm input.wma -ao pcm:file=output.wav
> >
> > (at least it does for mp3)
> Is there anyway for mplayer to write OGG instead of WAV?
even if it could, you don't want to trancode from one lossy,
perceptually-based compression technique to another. the result is
True. Writing to WAV first can't help that tho. Where WMA can be
played, then there's no need to convert. Where I don't have a WMA
player, then converting is better than no audio at all. Hmm, maybe
I should check out FLAC for this. Thanks....