On 28 January 2011 18:35, Thomas Vecchione <seablaede(a)gmail.com> wrote:
How much of a difference does that functional design
provide to most users, vs how much of a difference does it make to
have something that many people consider not very 'flashy' looking,
which there is two parts of the latter half of that. The first part
is how many users are just turned away from the get go, assuming that
Why do we have to worry about people not liking Linux all the time? If
those buggers cause Linux to become all shiny and polished I'll have
to find some other OS to flagellate myself over.
Obviously all of this is slightly moot, and is part of
why I used the
wording I did, because the old addage goes, "Beauty is in the eye of
the beholder." What I think looks beautiful can be very different
from what Paul does, or anyone else for that matter. There is no one
single thing that will always be beautiful to everyone, but I think
there can be some things that increase visual attractiveness to most
Most people are ignorant... of Linux.