On 08/11/2011 05:49 PM, Florian Paul Schmidt wrote:
On 08/11/2011 05:42 PM, Florian Paul Schmidt wrote:
In the tradition of releasing (or at least announcing)buggy, mostly
untested software, here's:
js_wrap - a simple wrapper for non Jack-Session aware apps whose
state can be fully specified by their commandline
js_wrap -- gnome-terminal
if you want to get a gnome terminal in your jack_session.. Or
js_wrap -- a2jmidid
if you want to have the alsa to midi bridge in your jack_session..
Get the software via copy and paste of the following commands:
git clone
cd js_wrap
mkdir bld
cd bld
cmake ..
cd ..
make -C bld
sudo make install
sudo make -C bld install
> and get to fixing bugs ;D
> In my experiments it worked just fine with gnome-terminal though
> there are some errors and the code is pretty much copy-pasta'd from
> lash_wrap... So expect breakage and panic and hilarity which will ensue..
Thanks for your work. If Qjackctl will support JackSessions infra
clients, it will provide the same functionality I think. Qjackctl can be
used without condoms, so that's an obvious advantage.