Hello Ralf,
The goal of the project is a small portable audio system.
There is no display, and although I could add a web server, I dont want
peaple to tweak the system, because the average user just don't care, He
just want to listen to his music.
Yes I'm trying to add psychoacoustic bass, because the speaker is so small.
Of course, I can EQ and I will. I may use a convolution engine. On the
Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 I have Jack + jconvolver running fine., Here, with
this project I'm using a Raspberry Zero. Not enough horse power to run jack
and jconvolver? I will try to use a Ladspa plugin on a single channel (it
is a mono system), if not possible, I'll use an EQ. But still I want
harmonic, because of the tiny speaker, with EQ,only I will explode it !
Best regards,
2016-09-08 18:00 GMT+02:00 Ralf Mardorf [via Linux Audio] <
Did you compare the result of harmonic whatsoever
tools and tube
simulations with just using an EQ? If a clean sound shouldn't be
required, you maybe should compare a compressor with the faked tube
saturation. If an EQ can't produce the wanted clean sound, then simply
because either frequencies are missing, e.g. caused by the amp, or they
aren't available by the audio source or because the speaker can't
produce those frequencies. Adding some magic harmonics can't replace
missing frequencies. If a biased sound is ok, IOW you don't use the
setup to mix audio productions, you should consider to compare a
controllable tool, such as a compressor, with some magic, uncontrollable
tube saturation fake.
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