On Wed, 14 Mar 2018 21:18:51 +0100 Lorenzo Sutton
<lorenzofsutton(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On 14/03/18 17:16, Christopher Arndt wrote:
Am 14.03.2018 um 16:57 schrieb Kirk Reiser:
This USB VID/PID combo designates a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (first
gen) interface. There are a newer (2nd gen) versions of all Scarlett
interfaces. These should work out of the box under linux, but I've
heard about erratic behaviour of the 1st gen ones and experienced
this myself with a Scarlett 6i6 1st gen. In my case, just
re-connecting / power cycling the interface usually helps.
I used a Focuserite 2i2 for quite a while and it worked out of the
box without major problems. One thing I did notice with USB audio
devices in general is that on laptops they seem to behave differently
among different USB ports (for example on this machine one port seems
to be very stable and never gives problems compared to the other two
- incidentally it is on the opposite side, but I don't think this
would really make a difference :)
This actually makes sense as the power distribution on motherboards and
laptops is not as even as one likes it to be. Add to it the
availability of space to add capacitors to compensate for momentary
inequalities in power consumption. And add the pickiness of audio
circuits about power supply and you might end up with a usb audio
device connected to your laptop that restarts the stream every time you
move the mouse (worst case;-)). And it runs rock-stable when connected
to the other side of the laptop…
- Arnold