On Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 05:11:57 -0800, Barton Bosch
I'm going to be doing a fresh install of FC2
in the near future and
am considering using an XFS data partition for music and video files.
It seems that XFS isn't an install time option (according to Disk
Druid). How is an XFS partition added? Does anyone here have any
experiences or pointers to share WRT XFS or XFS and FC2?
I experiments with JFS and XFS some time ago, and thier performance for
media files (or a relativly slow disk) wasn't that good compared to ext3.
Things may have changed of course.
- Steve
From what I've read XFS main strong point is *reading* data from the
disk faster than other FSs', especially as it pertains to large video
files. But when it comes to writing and deleting, its performance is
worse than other FSes. I've personally tried it and it didn't seem any
faster than ReiserFS.
Rick B