Hi D. R.,
D R Holsbeck wrote:
On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 13:14, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
Cold Fusion deals with files through the <CFFILE ACTION="someAction">
where someAction = Move|Rename|Copy|Delete|Read|Write.
An example of the Read action would be:
var_name is the name of the CF variable that will contain the file once it's read.
Is this any more help?
not really. There is a link on a page which points to this address:
Find the file that is pointed at by /launch.cfm. In other words
launch.cfm should include something similar to
> FILE="file_name"
> VARIABLE="var_name">
as pointed out by Patrick.
The problem is, as I pointed out in an earlier post, the CFFILE tag is processed on the
server side; it's not accessible on the client side. If Patrick has access to the
and *.cfm source, on the other hand, he may have hope.
Best wishes,
Lloyd R. Prentice