Quoting Raffaele Morelli <raffaele.morelli(a)gmail.com>om>:
2013/4/3 Peder Hedlund <peder(a)musikhuset.org>rg>:
> In view of the recent debate regarding the alledged "crappiness" of MP3 I
> thought it would be fun to see if the LAU society can tell lame (v3.99.4)
> MP3s from the original.
trials 10
against 165: correct 5, p-value 0.623
against 124: correct 7, p-value 0.172
against 108: correct 9, p-value 0.011
Nice. So now we know that your transparency threshold is probably
somewhere around -V5.
If you feel like it you could try encoding the original to Opus and/or
Vorbis and see if you'll do worse (since they're supposed to be better
formats I doubt you'll do better :)
side effects: back to the '80 and doing the
moonwalk B-)
Sorry 'bout that :D
- Peder