Excerpts from Arnold Krille's message of 2010-09-27 21:35:50 +0200:
On Monday 27 September 2010 19:51:35 Philipp
Überbacher wrote:
Excerpts from Arnold Krille's message of
2010-09-26 23:16:05 +0200:
And pythons inbuilt documentation-system saves
you another three days of
that deadline...
Documentation has nothing to do with indentation, and there
are documentation systems for every language.
That is correct. But I wasn't talking about inbuilt documentation helping
indentation. I was talking about inbuilt documentation helping you to
(re-)evaluate code you (or others) wrote some time ago.
Ok, so indentation and documentation are completely unrelated issues,
except when well done, both help you to understand the code at some
later time. Python forces you to use consistent indentation and has some
built in documentation system.
And I was talking about
"help(someclass.function)" inside python to get the
documentation for that python class. Try that in C(++) :-)
Have fun,
I guess you do that from some python shell, so I don't see the big
difference to any other way to search documentation/classes/whatever.