<<..phenomenon I've never experienced before
but suddenly find myself
wrestling with now: no music interests me any more, and everything I
play sounds to me like completely unengaging, tired old crap.<<
That must suck. For me it's about beauty -- music is just one path
from here to there.
On 3/30/07, Ken Restivo <ken(a)restivo.org> wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 06:24:07PM +0200, Malte Steiner wrote:
musical elements: rythm, melody, harmony. There is
always some
structure in time, but it's very often just the same: building
up to a climax.
I even missed that in some pieces, a beginning, an end and something in
between. Often pieces sounds static or like a sound demo but no moving
composition. Maybe it is a different school, I could imagine some
reasons to create pieces that static way but it is not my cup of tea.
About typical sounds, its not Linux related, I made similar
in other electroacoustic events which focused on
other systems like
There seems to be always the synthesis du jour
and suddenly you hear
same artefacts everywhere. Maybe its sort of
musical standards or riffs
like you have in other genres like Blues. Annoying was the release of
Ableton Live where suddenly every laptopper (what a word but I use it
offending, intentionally) sounds the same and claim to use granular
synthesis which is a joke, granular is much more than a bit studdering
through your properly non original samples.
This is not unique to Linux, or to electronic music, or even to
experimental or "serious" music. How many guitar-rock bands sound
exactly the same? How many DJ's or rappers sound exactly the same? How
many American-Idol-style singers sound exactly the same? Some new tool
or genre comes out, and everyone rushes to it, and thus sounds the
same. Pop music is practically defined by recycling the same sounds
and cliches over and over again. And, as Dave Philips noted,
complaints about experimental music sounding flat or too noisy or
cacophonous or lacking compositional craft, are as old as musique
It's all just music. Different sounds affect people in different ways.
Sometimes no sounds affect us in any ways... a strange, alien, and
somewhat alarming phenomenon I've never experienced before but
suddenly find myself wrestling with now: no music interests me any
more, and everything I play sounds to me like completely unengaging,
tired old crap.
- -ken
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