Quoting hermann meyer <brummer-(a)web.de>de>:
Am Donnerstag, den 29.01.2009, 08:52 +0100 schrieb
Peder Hedlund:
Quoting hermann meyer <brummer-(a)web.de>de>:
Oh it's simple, just let it look like that:
It has to be "INSTALLPATH=$(DESTDIR)/bin" and nothing else, this is
That sound's good, can you give a code example please, how to check in a
Makefile if $(DESTDIR) is set ?
Nope, sorry. I have no direct knowledge of the magic of Makefiles.
Hmmm, looking at the acctual jack_capure files I see there's no
configure at all, just a Makefile with an INSTALLPATH defined.
I guess you want to compile it to think it's being installed in, say,
/usr/bin (defining 'INSTALLPATH=/usr/bin') but then actually
installing it to /tmp/packages/j_c (with a 'make install
prefix=/tmp/packages/j_c') to be able to package it.
I don't know if that is feasable in just a makefile. Using autotools
(giving you the standard './configure; make ; make install' combo) it
certainly is, but I have no direct knowledge about that either.
- Peder