On Sunday 26 March 2006 21:44, Brian Dunn wrote:
David Haggett wrote:
Is it possible
to export an entire effects chain for re-use in another
ardour session?
I'm not sure about doing this in ardour, but i've done it with jack rack.
jack-rack will save your while fx chain and all the perameters in a file.
you could then use the qjackctl connection bay to route your instrument
into jack rack and then jack rack into ardour, for recording.
Thanks for the answer, Brian. Unfortunately, having tried this I found
Jack-Rack to be a bit resource hungry and I got a few XRUNs even before I
started recording. I tried both using jack-rack as the track input and as an
insert, and the result was about the same.
And, of course there is the fact that some of the sounds I've made have
plugins both before and after the fader, which would mean 2 copies of
David Haggett