M P Smoak wrote:
Dave Phillips wrote:
Recently I had a 2-day struggle with the flu, so
I took advantage
of the down-time and dug into LilyPond 2.6.3 (Demudi 1.3.0rc1). The
results have been placed here:
Nice work, Dave. Like having the lp, pdf and mid files all there
together. I enjoyed all three tunes and, just for fun, used audacity
to make ogg files of each. Prelude moves a bit too quick for me to
read or play. (What is MM for it?) But I used alsaplayer to cut the
tempo in half (drops it an octave); maybe I can chase it there.
Hi Marv ! The Prelude is fast, about mm=166.
Noticed that the mid files didn't come via LP; how
did you create the
mids? Also do you have ogg files of you playing them?
No Oggs, sorry. The MIDI files were made in Sequencer Plus Gold, I use
its tempo track extensively to create performance effects.
Again thanks for tunes, the charts and the mids.
Thanks for having a look. Btw, did you receive a message I sent to you
re: your synth routing questions ?