BTW, one potential area of concern, interest, and legality of
I2S-vampirism-enabling hardware such as the Wolfson WM8804 is w/r/t
This "feature" is coming to an HD-audio device near you beginning Jan 1, 2011 .
Consider the following scenario from "2010: The Year AACS and HDMI
Kill Off Component Video"
( ):
We've even read stories about Hollywood-based
mastering engineers having to use Slysoft
AnyDVD HD software in order to circumvent AACS and BD+ restrictions just to get their
work done.
There are certainly legitimate digital uses of the audio content one
has purchased on bluray, no? For example, consider a "fair use"
scenario of an online review of HD content that would give a snippet
of the content, it it's original form, for the purpose of evaluating
the "HDness" of the content.
So after Jan 1 2011, it appears any HD hardware people might buy, such
as bluray players used for HD audio playback, will only allow for
analog audio connections for audio as well. Wouldn't HDMI-carried
digital audio be "secured" in the same way video content is? This
would leaving only low resolution video output (
) and "audio watermarked" audio (…
Given the above, it appears that a soldering iron and a I2S "vampire"
is the only solution, other than buying the appropriate unlocked
equipment now, and hoping that new "features" don't obsolete your
purchase. (Which is one of the many reasons why people aren't going
all-in with any DRM'd hardware if they can help it... this has got
"sony/betamax" written all over it and people will be choosing
openness and "http://" instead.)
Is I2S vampirism as needed for "fair use" or professional/creative use
of media-content one has purchased, feasible on AACS enabled equipment
by tapping straight in to the DAC I2S stream?
-- Niels