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Am Montag, 13. August 2007 schrieb Joshua D. Boyd:
On Mon, 2007-08-13 at 15:01 +0200, Arnold Krille
please, my laptop has onboard Intel video and it steals 64MB of
system memory that I'd rather be using for other things.
Your laptop can be
expanded with a pci-/agp-card?
I have the very strong feeling that you are fixed on your graphics device
as I have never seen a laptop that could make use of an extra video card.
Except with a docking station that has a pci-slot...
I've seen several laptops
where the video card is a removable piece that
can potentially be upgraded. However, as there also seems to be no
standard for laptop video cards, that would mean that upgrades would be
limited to getting compatible cards from the same company.
Most notably Dell is like this. I've seen many reports of uses of the
Inspiron 8x00 series of laptops upgrading their video cards, which I
believe went from a fairly lowly Rage to a modest Radeon or Geforce 4MX.
I also saw a newer Dell laptop (forget the model number, but it was a
centrino with a pentium-m) that had Intel graphics on the motherboard
but could take (and this one had) a seperate card that had (in this
case) a Radeon X300 on it.
So, depending on the laptop that "schrieb david" owns, he very well may
be able to somehow upgrade it's graphics, albeit not with a PCI/AGP
card. If it was a common brand it may be worth looking for doner
laptops to scavange for video upgrades.
Hehe, the guys name is only "david". The "schrieb" means
"wrote" and as I am
note "Arnold Krille wrote", he is not "david schrieb" but
"david". :-)
You should get
more RAM for your laptop so the 64MB of the graphics
don't make a high percentage.
That would certainly be worth doing.
Even more so if you plan on extensive recording or playing with big soundfonts
(like the rather good steinway sf2). For these reasons I got my wife to
pre-approve new mem for my main desktop (still running on 512MB).
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