Am 15.11.2009 um 18:40 schrieb nescivi:
On Sunday 15 November 2009 08:48:18 Atte André Jensen
How about as a "customer", do you like
bandcamp, how many are
doing the i-leave-when-i-see-a-flash-player-dance?
I don't know bandcamp, but half the time I don't get the flash-
player dancing
even on a lot of websites... something with flash not being
available in the
latest version for 64bit machines...
Depending on what machine I'm on, I do leave immediately in most
cases. Sometimes I use firefox.exe/WINE but that can be a crashy sport.
Flash is doing ok on the OSX machine, but I seldom use that one for
audio or even recrastinational computing.
- Burkhard