Brett McCoy escribe:
I personally don't recommend going direct into the
sound card with a
guitar, you should at least use a pre-amp or something to boost the
signal, since the level coming from the pickups is very low, and the
pre-amp in the sound card can be easy to overdrive with a guitar.
Something like the M-Audio Audio Buddy or one of the ART MP tube
pre-amps (both are relatively inexpensive) might be good for some
things, although a real guitar pre-amp is ideal (and expensive). You can
also get modeling pre-amps, like the Behrenger V-Amp (only $99 from
Musician's Friend) or the Line 6 PODxt (about $299) -- these allow you
to model amplifiers, microphones, rooms, etc., as well as give you a
variety of effects and tone options. These are great for recording with,
and you're neighbors will appreciate it also. :-)
A DI box is even more inexpensive than a pre-amp and does the job. It
simply puts the signal at line level.
But I once had a JoeMeek pre-amp, don't remember which model, and it
recorded lovely both voices and guitars. Not very expensive and well
worth the money.
Cordially, Ismael
mí, myself et moi