Chip VanDan wrote:
I thought I did the same thing in fc3 one day and
fought with it for
several minutes before I realized that I did not boot into the RT
kernel at startup. Aside from that I'm no help.
On 25/10/06, Timothy Alan Gorman <timg(a)> wrote:
I destroyed my jack install on my fc5 ccrma box....
it will not start. it asks me to view the "messages" for more info...
there is no output other than "could not start"......
any Ideas where to look?
here's some logging...
11:47:54.047 Patchbay deactivated.
11:47:54.056 Statistics reset.
11:47:54.215 MIDI connection graph change.
11:47:54.261 MIDI connection change.
11:48:13.290 Startup script...
11:48:13.290 artsshell -q terminate
11:48:13.511 Startup script terminated with exit status=256.
11:48:13.511 JACK is starting...
11:48:13.511 jackd -v -R -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p1024 -n2
11:48:13.516 JACK was started with PID=2045 (0x7fd).
getting driver descriptor from /usr/local/lib/jack/
getting driver descriptor from /usr/local/lib/jack/
getting driver descriptor from /usr/local/lib/jack/
getting driver descriptor from /usr/local/lib/jack/
jackd 0.102.20
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
server `default' registered
loading driver ..
registered builtin port type 32 bit float mono audio
registered builtin port type 8 bit raw midi
clock source = system clock via gettimeofday
new client: alsa_pcm, id = 1 type 1 @ 0x8626250 fd = -1
apparent rate = 48000
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames, buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 16bit little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
new buffer size 1024
registered port alsa_pcm:capture_1, offset = 4096
registered port alsa_pcm:capture_2, offset = 8192
registered port alsa_pcm:playback_1, offset = 0
registered port alsa_pcm:playback_2, offset = 0
registered port alsa_pcm:playback_3, offset = 0
registered port alsa_pcm:playback_4, offset = 0
registered port alsa_pcm:playback_5, offset = 0
registered port alsa_pcm:playback_6, offset = 0
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client alsa_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
-- jack_rechain_graph()
2045 waiting for signals
load = 0.0258 max usecs: 11.000, spare = 21322.000
11:48:15.678 Could not connect to JACK server as client. Please check the
messages window for more info.
load = 0.0551 max usecs: 18.000, spare = 21315.000
load = 0.0486 max usecs: 9.000, spare = 21324.000
load = 0.0384 max usecs: 6.000, spare = 21327.000
height="70" border="0" alt=""></a>
Timothy A Gorman<br>
IT Dept.<br>
ExpressMart <br>
Petr-all Petroleum<br>
office 315 446 0125 x 126<br>
cell 315 415 8108 <br>