> pd has supported ALSA for midi for maybe 6-9
mnths or more. the
> problem is proably a combination of the gentoo ebuild being out of
> date, and the original author of PD sort of maintaining his own
> branch seperate from other deevelopers., try cvs -d
> :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/pure-data co -r devel_0_39 pd
> and you should get one with ALSA midi...
the gentoo ebuild is the latest
release of miller, which is pretty much
outdated... the latest ebuild that is marked stable on gentoo is 0.37,
which is iirc about 2 years old :-/
The HEAD/MAIN branch of Pd in CVS (Miller's) has
ALSA midi, as well,
so you don't need to run the "devel_0_39" branch just for ALSA midi.
The Debian packages also have ALSA midi support.
well, you'll get a lot of
other improvements that aren't or will never
be in HEAD/MAIN...
cheers ... tim
mailto:TimBlechmann@gmx.de ICQ: 96771783
latest mp3: kMW.mp3
latest cd: Goh Lee Kwang & Tim Blechmann: Drone
After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space
would say "I want to see the manager."
William S. Burroughs