On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 12:00:13PM -0200, Fabio wrote:
Is the develepor on this list?
would be nice to be able to enter values instead of only using th knobs. For example, if
you change the "offset" you want it to be exactly
The developer is Fons, and he's definitely on this list.
Looking at the source, the GUI appears to be in Cairo. I dunno anything about cairo, but
if it's like most GUI toolsets, you'd have to add a text box in there to type in a
I see there's a jclient.cc class in there that does JACK MIDI, and a
Jclient::midi_process where it checks for notes or CC's. Probably wouldn't be too
hard to hack that to accept MIDI CC's for setting tuning, pitch, or other values too,
though there are only 127 steps in MIDI CC's and you might want more.