On Wednesday 01 June 2011 17.15.03 Roberto Suárez Soto wrote:
Could you try to download it again, just in case?
Got it, and everything is in one piece. Great melody!
I have just opened it in Ardour. This recording do have a lot of challenges
and I will do what I can.
Here is my plan:
-Clean up every track and export them (dry with the full length
of the recording, all tracks will have the same length.
-Make a new project in either Ardour or Mixbus and import the
wave files I generated from the previous step.
-Record every single drum item Hydrogen into the DAW, I will
only have audio tracks while mixing.
-Edit and mix it.
-Finishing and deliver a final mixed song.
I will document and comment the most of it so you can see what I have done.
This project do really have some challenges: -The bass is in stereo, The drums
are MIDI only, it is audio fragments everywhere so it will be a puzzle, but it
will be solved thanks to the mp3 file.
Thank you for sharing this, that is a very nice thing you've done here. I hope
I'm able to deliver it sometime tomorrow (CET).