Always lovely to hear feedback from you.
on Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 11:31:36PM +0200, Julien Claassen wrote:
It's been some time again, which is a pitty. but I'm awaiting your
full album. If this is anything to go by, then I might enjoy a full
length EP as well. Probably not on the daily list, but certainly in
the list, amongst all that progressive rock. :-)
Honestly: nice song, simplistic in its arrangement,in a way very
straight forward, but I like those indecided harmonies. Not exactly
minor, not exactly major. In combination with the current time, I'm
waiting for Ulrich Land to announce the thursday night crime and
thrillers on our public radio. He always played such tracks.
Slightly dark, a little oneiric and out of this world. I hope the
album contains even more breakbeats.
The sounds as ever were good. Not as charismatic and singular as
with "Something wrong with your feet", but that of course was a
completely different workflow and original mindset. Still, I like
it, that you never succomb to the contemporary equivalents of "salat
hitting the field" bass drums and other sins of the time. Even the
Lost in London remix, that we so criticised for its drums had bite.
And you stick to it with this little tune.
I do what I can! I'm curious, though: do you have any examples of said
"salat hitting the field" bass drum sound?
Is there a processed voice sample in it in the left
channel? this
is something, that attracted my ear and wouldn't let go. :-)
There is absolutely some chopped and processed vocal work, "ghosted" by
a synthesizer playing the same melody to give it more body. I really
like repurposing recordings like this. I do it with field recordings all
the time (which flesh out the backgrounds of many of my tracks, `indigo`
included, with little bits of white noise and crackling), and there's
quite a history of this in hip-hop production, particularly sampling
vinyl records and `flipping` them into a different beat.
OK, now I may actually have to listen to one of
those thriller
radioplays to satisfy my Pablow reflex. :-)
Keep on the good work, as lofi as this and breakbeat as this or as
hifi and four-to-the-floor as the "all I need" remix. Uphold the
appearance of good bassdrums in all kinds of electronic styles!
Warm regards and thanks for sharing
Absolutely. I'll keep everyone on the list informed :)