On Sun, 16 Jul 2006 20:42:05 +0200
Thorsten Wilms <t_w_(a)freenet.de> wrote:
On Sun, Jul 16, 2006 at 06:51:41PM +0100, Folderol
I want to try to emulate a reed instrument rather like a clarinet with
a slightly damaged reed, so that the effect is that it occasionally
'breaks' and gives a sort of squeak. Ideally this should be more likely
to happen at higher velocities.
I think this is the sort of thing that would suit ZynAddSubFX, but my
experiments so far have been distinctly underwhelming.
Anyone got anything like that, or any suggestions on how to achieve it?
I would use Ingen (formerly Om), but I do that anyway ;)
A pulse oscillator with some more or less subtle pulse width modulation
might be a good basis.
Add (Bandpass filtered) white noise for a breathing sound.
Now I don't know how a damaged reed sounds, I can only think of overblown
flute or sax.
Fast pulse width modulation (via a sine oscillator > 20 Hz) can add a
metallic touch.
The hard clipper or one of the tube amp effects, perhaps bandpass filtered
might do something for the sound. For extra breakage, feed a tube amp back
to itself (after a signal product with something like 0.1)
A pitch envelope could be made to fade in on high velocity (fiddly business,
Building such a patch can easily eat up most of the day, even if one
already knows their way around Ingen, though :)
Thanks for your suggestions but I really want to stick to Zyn if I can
as i know it (fairly) well now and don't want the learning curve of
starting over. Unfortunately I can't spend anything like as much time as
I want to with music :(
Thanks everyone else for your suggestions. This will take some time I
Will J G