On Sun, Dec 08, 2002 at 02:59:07 +0100, Frank Barknecht wrote:
I played a bit with chebdistortion from the SWH set, and I'm
wondering, if what I get is the intended result. I doesn't sound like
an effect useful for anything to my ears, but I might have a broken
version or something. I made an short example at
http://footils.org/snd/cheb.ogg with a clean signal, then the
chebdistortion kicking in.
Yeah, thats not what its supposed to sound like. There is a wierd bug
which causes to go like that when it sees certain inputs. The unfilterd
sound from my bass is fine, but if I feed it pure sinewaves it goes nuts.
The wierd thing is that the algorithm is more or less stateless.
- Steve