On Sat, 14 Oct 2006 16:06:27 +0200
Thorsten Wilms <t_w_(a)freenet.de> wrote:
Sounds very 60s :)
My first impression was: Wow!
Followed by noticing that overly strong bass attenuation again,
trouble understanding a word and thinking the singer hides behind
effects a bit much ;)
Please up the vocals quite some.
I pretty much agree here. How do you check levels? Bass in particular
can be very sensitive to amp quality, and you need to keep in mind many
of your listeners will be hearing it on computer speakers, portables
At 3:15 I had the feeling it's running out of
steam a bit ...
and then it was over, so the lenght is allright.
Yep agree here too
I think you should try running the drums, especialy
the snare,
through tube warmth or a tube amp for more presence and some
Here we differ, I thought the percussion was OK!
Thorsten Wilms
Will J G