chaotic(a) wrote:
I haven't switched to linux yet
but it's totally the way of the future,
you people are closer to the zeitgeist than most.
I want to use my laptop for audio
and Agnula DeMudi sounds like the way to go for that
but i've read Debian has quite a learning curve.
This was true about Debian a few years ago -- at least the installation
aspects. Once you get Debian installed, it can be as user-friendly as
you want based on the software you've installed. I use Debian Sid on all
of my machines, including one I use for graphics/video production and
another one I use in my music studio. I tend to compile all of my stuff
by hand, using bleeding edge CVS builds, but that's probably not the
route you want to go if you are new to the Linux world (and welcome,
BTW, once you get switched -- let's hope you never have to look back!)
Planet CCRMA is another option -- it's RPM/Red Hat based, I believe.
-- Brett