Hi Arnold,
That is very close to Andrew's original question about "out of the
head" sound from CD's.
There are headphone amplifiers that *attempt* to produce binaural sound
from normal stereo recordings. There may be software, but I haven't
seen any. I ran some tests with my own software, but was very discouraged
with the resulting sound. It's almost impossible to recreate a true
binaural image from two-channel stereo because a lot of signal is
duplicated in both channels. Binaural listening requires a very clean
separation between the two channels and very precise phase differences.
It seems far better to do it right from the beginning.
I have the same thought as you: That *some* improvement might popularize
the method and turn the tide. However, there are also a lot of people with a
vested interest in keeping things as they are. As long as the general
populace is kept in the dark, nothing will change.