On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 02:51:40PM -0300, Alexander wrote:
But I can't load manually the default module for
VIA82xxx of Slackware. After
installation the Alsa-driver the only module can be loaded is the
snd-via82xx(the module of Alsa).
For this things I believe now In one error in my system modules.
No, it should be like that - Slackware doesn't come with ALSA, only with
the OSS drivers, and you definitely want to be using the snd-via82xx
from ALSA.
Ross Vandegrift
A Pope has a Water Cannon. It is a Water Cannon.
He fires Holy-Water from it. It is a Holy-Water Cannon.
He Blesses it. It is a Holy Holy-Water Cannon.
He Blesses the Hell out of it. It is a Wholly Holy Holy-Water Cannon.
He has it pierced. It is a Holey Wholly Holy Holy-Water Cannon.
He makes it official. It is a Canon Holey Wholly Holy Holy-Water Cannon.
Batman and Robin arrive. He shoots them.